Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Making it from Scratch- My Scratch Robot

Scratch Project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/k3hamilton/590049

You'll have to click the link to get to my Web 3.0 Robot so you can interact with her! 

A bit about my Scratch Experience

At first I thought I'd read the mini manual, but my eyes glazed over a bit, so I did what the kids did- jump in. In the initial stages,  I had no clue what I was doing so I just started looking at what was there. I saw that you could create your own sprite, so I went about thinking about that. I collected some pictures of robots and space and imported them into a drawing program.

For the sprite, I knew I'd have to create an image that had a transparent background. So I removed the background from my main robot. Then I imported it into the program. After that there was a lot of trial and error, off to find music and quickly manipulate it by reversing the track, then back to more trial and error in Scratch.

I'm sure I didn't necessarily do things the right way or the direct way, but I tried quite a few features and can see how students could get addicted. It was fun!

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